Reality Transurfing: Everyone Gets What They Are, Thus Everyone Gets What They Choose! (An EXPANDED View of Law of Attraction) — Audiobook by Vadim Zeland | WE in 5D: LITERALLY What I’d Fall Asleep to for OVER A YEAR to Manifest My Florida Home!
The Attempted Hijacking of the Spiritual Community Through [the Either Awfully Naive —OR— Fake “Guru” Sold Soul] Jay Shetty; the Like-Oprah Law of Attraction Exploiter! | Full Michelle Obama Interview with Jay Shetty
Kerry Cassidy Speaks 3/17/22: The Cost of Freewill—Choose Wisely (Law of Attraction) | Physical Life Experience Vs. The Eternal Soul—You Are Never a Victim | The Vaxxed | Joe Rogan & Trump | ➕ Upcoming Interview with M.L. of Redneck Renegade
Turned Off DNA Stops Us From Naturally Producing Vitamin C in Our Bodies—WHILE OTHER MAMMALS CAN! + Law of Attraction, God-Source, True Deep Healing, and More! | Gregg Braden: The Isaiah Effect (Full Seminar)
THE LAW OF 3: Law of Attraction NEVER WORKS the Specific Way We Expect or Hope for, and This is the Missing Component! | Matías De Stefano on the Aubrey Marcus Podcast
The "Jesus is King" Brigade, The Perverted Law of Attraction Brigade [Who Avoid Reality (if You Avoid it Then There's No Reality to Create WITH Nor FROM)], The Chosen People Brigade.. AND THE REST: When Your Belief System TRUMPS THE TRUTH!