When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth (1970 Full Movie) | Fantasy/Adventure | Dir.: Val Guest; Cast: Victoria Vetri, Robin Hawdon, Patrick Allen, Imogen Hassall.
Mysterious Island (1961 Full Movie) | Sci-Fi/Adventure | Dir.: Cy Endfield; Cast: Michael Craig, Joan Greenwood, Herbert Lom, Michael Callan, Gary Merrill, Dan Jackson.
Jason and the Argonauts (1963 Full Movie) | Adventure/Fantasy | Dir.: Don Chaffey; Cast: Douglas Wilmer, Todd Armstrong, Honor Blackman, Nigel Green, Gary Raymond.
GEMINI ♊️ March 2023 | #ToughLoveWarning: Guides comin’ in rough! I dunno what to tell ya.. except healed people (or people in process of healing) generally attracted healed/healing people, because these people.. simply reflect each other.