FIU: Calm Start w/ Humble Christian Students, Then A Crowd Forms, One Black Female Claims We All Sin & I Rebuke Her Harshly, Male Student Kicks My Pole, I Call Police, Crowd Grows, Then Ministering to Humble Students
Prophecy 99 - YAH Harshly Judges HAARP Weaponry & Cloning! YAH Counters with HIS Word & Holy Tongues Weapon. Pentecost Power "Great Tribulation when it will be rare to hear a Prophet speak as this?"
Epic: Prophecies About the Supreme Court - Excerpts 21, 84, To Judge Roy Moore/Judge Scalia! "You rewrite MY Commandments.." Certain Justices Judged Harshly
Amightywind Prophecy 96 - Year of Jubilee, YAHUVEH Says, Cast Your Dead Weight Off! YAH Counters & Harshly Judges Ruthless, Merciless Creditors and Sets an Elder Brother Free