Richer, Wiser, Happier | Award-Winning Financial Journalist William Green On How the World's Greatest Investors Win in Market + Richer, Wiser & Happier Described By Charlie Munger As, “One of the Best Investing Books Ever."
Julie Green | Julie Green Joins General Flynn to Discuss BRICS Nations De-Dollarizing World Economy + Russian Nuclear Submarine with Weapon Capable of Creating 1,600-ft 'Radioactive Tsunami' Disappearing from Arctic Harbor + 42 URGENT Updates
Katt Williams | "Hollywood Is Not Really There to Entertain You. Show Me One Person (Man) That Ever Wore a Dress Unsuccessfully? I Knew That In the Ritual of Baphomet the Transgender to Show Allegiance to Him You Had to Kiss His ____."
Eric Trump | Eric Trump's Full RNC Speech | "You are the greatest fighter I have ever seen, The whole world saw your strength as you stood up, you wiped the blood off your face & you put your fist in the air." - 7/18/24
Kim Clement Prophecies | "For This Nation Once Again Pioneer the Greatest Move of the Spirit That Has Ever Happened And You Are Alive In the Midst of It." - April 4th 2007
Elon Musk | "Everything We've Developed for Our Cars, the Batteries, Advanced Motors, the AI Inference Computer, It All Applies to a Humanoid Robot. Your Own Personal R2D2, C3PO. This Will Be the Biggest Product Ever."
Dollar Collapse | "We Are A Country That Is 130% Debt to GDP, No One Has Ever Come Back from That without Default or Hyper-Inflation. We Are Country That Has 5 Trillion In Assets of Which 40% Is STUDENT DEBT." - Andy Schectman (Jan 5th 2024)
General Flynn | Will the Epstein List Ever Get Exposed? As of Jan 1st 2024, BRICS Has Doubled In Size?! "The Nature of Money Is Going to Change Dramatically." - Yuval Noah Harari + What Is the Federal Reserve? How Did Epstein Compromise People?