Jim Breuer, Pastor Greg Locke, and Reverse Davos LIVE!!! The Event Begins March 23rd 2023 At 4:00 PM Central Featuring: Dr. Simone Gold, Amanda Grace, Pastor Leon Benjamin, Pastor Jackson Lahmeyer, Dr. Stella Immanuel, Jeffrey Prather, etc.
Dr. Stella Immanuel | Why Did Elon Musk Say, "We Could Merge with Artificial Intelligence?" CBDC | "Several Central Banks Have Prepared Their Microchip Implant (RFID) Chip to Be Implanted Under Your Skin." - Professor Werner
ReAwaken America Tour & Clay Clark Presents Comedian Jim Breuer, Pastor Greg Locke, Dr. Stella Immanuel, Amanda Grace, Pastor Leon Benjamin, Mel K, Dr. Simone Gold, Andrew Sorchini & Doctor Sherwood LIVE In Tulsa, OK (March 23rd 2023)
Dr. Stella | Is Jesus Coming Back Soon? READ: 2nd Peter 3:8, Psalms 90, Hosea 6:1-2, Exod 19:11, Rev 13:5, 2nd Thess 2:9-11, “Be Not ignorant of This One Thing, That One Day Is As a Thousand Years."
The Great Reset | Why Is Elon Musk Offering Humanity Eternal Life? Why Is Ray Kurzweil Discussing Connecting Our Brains to A.I.? The Internet of Bodies, CBDC & Transhumanism Agenda Exposed + Human Cloning? with Dr. Stella Immanuel