Univ of Vermont: A Wicked Jezebel Female Student Confronts Me, I Rebuke Her & Tell Her To Shut Her Mouth, This Draws A Crowd of 70-75 Students Encircling Me, One of THE MOST Mocking & Vile Crowds EVER, I Shake The Dust Off My Feet And Leave!!!
Univ of North Carolina: Rowdy, Hostile Crowds, Contending With Many Lesbians & Sexual Perverts, Dealing with Hypocrites, Two Christian Students Help Me, Preaching Jesus Christ
UMass Amherst: Crowd Turns Riotous, Sinner Froths At The Mouth, Student Steals My Bible & Rips Out Pages, Sinner Throws Water All Over Me, Sinner Presses Black Tape Over My Go-Pro, Chaos, Sinner Stalks Me (Viewer Discretion Advised)
UC Santa Barbara: Large Crowds, Mostly Hostile, As I Contend w/ Homosexuals, Kissing Lesbians, Mockers, Jews, a Rabbi, Atheists, Muslims & Hypocrites -- Jesus Christ Preached To Thousands!
University at Buffalo: Rebuking An Arrogant Atheist, Wicked Fake Christians Defend Sin, Police Called, Crowd Swells, Homosexuals, Muslims, Lukewarm Christians, Atheists All Join Forces Against the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Crowd Descends Into Rabid Chaos
UC San Diego: "Christian" Uses the F-Bomb, Contending with Muslims, Ministering to Genuine Christians, Proving the Bible True to Atheists, Drawing More Crowds, Great Questions, Jesus is Exalted To Thousands On Campus!
Texas A&M: Small Crowds, Very Civil Students, Many Great Conversations, Jesus Is Exalted, One of The Best Days I've Ever Had On Campus Preaching the Gospel!
Marshall U (West Virginia): Angry Catholic & Proud Atheist Helps Me Draw Crowd, I Warn The Students About Trump the Antichrist and Exalt Jesus And The True Gospel, Contending W/ The Wicked and Singing of The Blood!
FSU: Hypocrite Tears Up, I Rebuke Her And This Draws Crowd of 40 People (About the 1 hour and 50 minute mark), Dealing w/ Lesbians, Perverted Women, Homosexuals, Atheists, Agnostics, Proving the Bible True, Exalting Jesus Christ!
University of Maryland: Brother Elijah (Former Trans Woman) Joins Me & His Controversial Sign Draws Hundreds, Massive Crowds, Contending w/ Muslims, Trans, Sodomites, Atheists, Loud-Mouthed Jezebels & Hypocrites, A Totally Wild Day!
Northern Kentucky University: A Lively Large Crowd As I Contend With a Witch, Some Atheists, A Few Hypocrites, Some Muslims, But Also Some Very Good Questions, Passed Out Lots Of Tracts, Police Kept Things Orderly, A Great Day Of Preaching Jesus!
University of Arkansas: Great Conversations, Civil Dialogue, Calm Crowd, Later In The Day A Larger Crowd Forms, A Trans Spouts Nonsense, Jesus Christ Exalted
Portland State Univ: Skeptic Debates Me Over Proof of the Bible & Biblical Archeology, Draws A Crowd of 50 Students, Homosexuals & Atheists Contend w/ Me, Lively Crowd As I Exalt Jesus Christ!
Univ of Nevada, Reno: Massive Crowd, Jesus is Exalted, Sinner Throws Sandwich At Me, Homosexuals, Atheists, Muslims & Hypocrites Confronted with the Gospel
Cleveland State: Rebuking Jehovah's Witnesses For Their Hellish Religion, Contending w/ an Arrogant Muslim & His Girlfriend, I Sing Out Songs, Preach Jesus, Crowd Descends Into Blasphemy, "Christians" Love Their Sin, I Wipe The Dust Off