4 months ago10.20.24: LT w/ Dr. Elliott: BRICS meeting - next phase of monetary reset on Earth, Understand BIBLICAL times, PRAY!And We KnowVerified
2 years ago4.4.22: COURAGEOUS leaders STEPPING UP! Major Victories on the EARTH! MANY had to SEE IT! Pray!And We KnowVerified
4 months agoFrom Flat Earth to Dark Matter, Is Everything We're Taught A Lie? | Challenging Reality w/Mark GoberKim IversenVerified
2 years ago7.10.22: THE ENTIRE earth is waking UP! Many have had ENOUGH! The Battle is BIBLICAL! PRAY!And We KnowVerified
1 year ago3.9.23: KNOWLEDGE of THEIR [DS] SWAMP evil reaching the ENTIRE EARTH! Ever since McCarthy? PRAY!And We KnowVerified
3 years ago12.8.21: ARMAGGEDON! CHINA threatens, [DS] wants to take US down with them, NORCIMO? Pray!And We KnowVerified
3 years ago2.26.22: The INFORMATION connects SPIRITUAL BATTLE/LIES from the ENEMY! PRAY!And We KnowVerified
2 years agoAWK interview with Jim Breuer 4.7.22: His COMEDY is just "COMMON SENSE." His journey uncovered!And We KnowVerified
21 days agoFlat Earth Dave: 'Trust us or GTFO' - Biblical Earth Dustin: "Welcome Home, Test Us"Dustin NemosVerified
1 year ago12.22.23: JFK, Aliens/Demons, Nephilim, Northwood, Earth, Bush Fam, Colorado BOOM! Rabbit holes, Pray!And We KnowVerified
2 years ago8.29.22 - AWK interview with Jamie and Angie of Right To Print - TOUCHING the People of the EARTH daily!And We KnowVerified
6 months agoThe God Particle, Space Arks, Earth Changes and Ascension: An Interview with Miriam DelicadoExopolitics Today with Dr. Michael SallaVerified
5 months agoInner Earth Unveiled : Deep State / DUMBS & MAGLEVS / Hidden CivilizationsDUMBS and UNDERGROUND ⚔ The Invisible War ⚔
1 year agoCovering The Front Lines Seeing The Real Evils of War | Conversation with Chris HedgesKim IversenVerified
1 year agoThey're Lying: The Earth is ACTUALLY Headed For An ICE AGE | Plus Ancient Pyramids, The Lost City Of AtlantisKim IversenVerified
19 days agoDeep Underground Military Bases are being cleared by Earth Alliance - NWO, BilderbergGroup & moreDUMBS and UNDERGROUND ⚔ The Invisible War ⚔
2 years ago3.6.22: Sheila Holm connects GA Guidestones, Ukraine, HELLywood, Cronkite & the EYE! PRAY!And We KnowVerified
6 months agoHypersonic MagLev Trains Connect Dumbs via Global Tunnel SystemExopolitics Today with Dr. Michael SallaVerified
3 years ago2.8.22: The GOOD GUYS are WINNING! The US is connected to the rest of the WORLD! SPECIAL! PRAY!And We KnowVerified
1 year agoOvercoming Global Elite Agendas and Creating a New Earth: Interview with Sacha StoneExopolitics Today with Dr. Michael SallaVerified
1 year agoThe New Earth Quest ~ The Elephant Brain Philiosophy with Dr. Sam Mugzzi and Digital TomDr. Sam Mugzzi
3 years ago2.21.22: An ENTIRE Generation of CHILDREN traumatized! How CAN EVIL PPL get by with THIS? PRAY!And We KnowVerified