Probably the Most Important Interview You’ll See in 2023! Your Life is a Video Computer Game—Here are the Computer Codes. NEXT UP for Those Who are Ready: The Golden Age of Aquarius! | Robert Edward Grant Interviewed by Jason Shurka
Josh @ World Alternative Media You Have Alot Of Research You Need To Do Into Ian F. Akildiz (ITU J-FET) To Fully Connect The Dots On These CONVID "VACCINES" Aka Bio-Nano-Machines, MC, IoBnT
Geneva | Does the Bible Say Satan Dwells In Geneva, Switzerland? (READ: Revelation 9:11 & Rev 2:13) | Why Are CERN, the World Health Organization, the United Nations & the Google Quantum Computer All Located In Geneva?
Business Coach | “Ideas are easy. Implementation is hard.” - Guy Kawasaki (One of Original Apple Employees Responsible for Marketing Apple Macintosh Computer) + The Disease of Believing Great Ideas Are 90% of the Work
The Nexus of Innovation > Annual Meeting of the Global Future Councils | World Economic Forum - As the Fourth Industrial Revolution advances, foundational technology domains are (CONVERGING) to create new opportunities
Normie-World and REAL-World Slowly Begin to Collide: Project Camelot’s Kerry Cassidy, and Redacted News’ Clayton Morris Interview Josh Reid This Past Week (6/8/23, 6/13/23) Clayton Goes OFF on Cognitively Dissonant 3D’ers Destined to Stay There!