Four Counties In MI Find Over 26K Votes Days After The Election—Several Seats Flip From Dem To Rep/The Fix Is In: Jeffrey Epstein’s Cover-Up Prosecutor Placed in Charge of Diddy’s Trial/Iraq to Lower Age of Consent to 9 Years Old, Legalizing Child R
Incoming Border Czar Suggests Criminal Aliens ‘Self Deport’/‘We Know Who You Are/Democrats Now Facing Charges They Are the Ones Trying to Destroy Democracy/Governor Mike Huckabee is New U.S. Ambassador to Israel/ Fauci Received a $15 Million Taxpaye
Amanda Grace + Pastor Phil Hotsenpiller | Is God Separating the Shepherds from the Show Men? Why Are Faith Leaders Introducing “Ten Universal Principles for Climate Justice'' from the Top of Mt. Sinai?