1 year agoCarter Phipps - Does Spiritual Illumination Create its own Intrinsic Blindness? - BatGap InterviewBuddha at the Gas Pump
2 years agoMario Beauregard - Consciousness, Mind-Brain Relationships, Postmaterialist Science - BatGapBuddha at the Gas Pump
2 years agoMark Anthony - Afterlife Frequency, Electromagnetic Soul, Psychic Lawyer, NDE - BatGap InterviewBuddha at the Gas Pump
2 years agoJessica Eve – The Harmful Effects of Neo-Advaita and How to Recover from Them – BatGap InterviewBuddha at the Gas Pump
2 years agoSuresh Ramaswamy | Waking Up - The Way of Light - Being, Light and Infinity | BatGap InterviewBuddha at the Gas Pump
4 years agoSousplat cata-vento - Passo a passo | Sousplat de crochê mesa postaBlog do crochê - Samuel Ramos
2 years agoNeil Douglas-Klotz - Revelations of the Aramaic Jesus - Buddha at the Gas Pump InterviewBuddha at the Gas Pump
1 year agoMark Gober and Doug Scott on the spiritual implications of UFOs - Buddha at the Gas Pump InterviewBuddha at the Gas Pump
2 years agoAnastasia Wesselink Moellering - NDE Story - Buddha at the Gas Pump InterviewBuddha at the Gas Pump