23 days agoSeek & Destroy E16 [Includes 100% more ranting!] Special edition: Battlemode!metalPhoenixRisingVerified
1 year agoBATTLEMODE Plays | Field of Glory: Empires | Pontus | Ep. 05 - Conquering BosporusBATTLEMODE
1 year agoBATTLEMODE Plays | Field of Glory: Empires | Pontus | Ep. 07 - Bosporus In DeclineBATTLEMODE
2 years agoBATTLEMODE Plays: Shadow Empire | Ice Planet Outpost | Episode 19 - Flying Close to the SunBATTLEMODE
2 years agoBATTLEMODE Plays: Armageddon Empires | Xenopods | Ep 01 | Introduction and First TurnsBATTLEMODE
2 years agoBATTLEMODE Plays: Conquest of Elysium 5 | Evil vs Good Team-Game vs AI | Ep 01 - Facing Off!BATTLEMODE
2 years agoBATTLEMODE Plays: Shadow Empire | Ice Planet Outpost | Episode 10 - The Push to the West BeginsBATTLEMODE