Esoterically Understanding Your Very [Being/Essence/Soul/Self]: Sexuality (Not Strictly About Sexual/Sensual Behavior) + Closing Meditation. | Matías De Stefano: Path to the I AM
FLASHBACK: Roseanne's 11/11/11 Meditation-Prayer in Rejection of the Illuminati—Publicly Revived by Her Today! + Alex Jones’ Recap of Roseanne’s First In-Studio Appearance, Which He Himself has Been so Impressed with.
Higher Dimensional Sexuality/Sensuality + The Physical Nature of Gender, and an Ending Meditation. | Very Sophisticated Information Likely Extremely Uncomfortable for Most! — Matías De Stefano
“Falling” in Love—What This Really is! It is Not of Heart 💚 Chakra, But Rather the Attachment-Oriented Solar 🟡 Plexus Chakra. Video Includes an Ending Meditation — Matías De Stefano
April 8th: CERN Attempts to Shift the Timeline! — Jean Nolan’s “Inspired” | WE in 5D- Your Meditations Now to Harness the Moon/Eclipse Energies (The Same The Illuminati Are Always Hijacking) Have Never Been So Important!
[Without WE in 5D Intro] The MDNA Tour “Tarot Project” 🎭 A 2012 Show by Madonna Displaying an Archetypal Arc from Dark to Light (Mimicking and Demonstrating The Fool’s Journey 🃏🎴🀄️)
[With WEin5D Intro] The MDNA Tour “Tarot Project” 🎭 A 2012 Show by Madonna Displaying an Archetypal Arc from Dark to Light (Mimicking and Demonstrating The Fool’s Journey 🃏🎴🀄️)
Who is The Banking System? Is it You? WHAT?…Why!? | Unveiling the Debt-Slave Matrix — Primarily a Spiritually Viewed Conversation and Walkthrough FIRST, Before a Historical One!
Divine Sovereignty Meditation — Isis Version of Meditation for Personality-Types Which Resonate with, or ARE Starseeds/Clusters/Tribes of Sirius (Teachings of ANY Kind are Useless or Completely Counteractive if Personalties Concerned Clash/Mismatch).