Dr. Rashid Buttar | Dollar Collapse | "We're Watching Events That Are In a Framework Which Is Very Engineered And Planned." - Catherine Austin Fitts + "Your Body Is Your Wallet. They Were Installing a Hardware System w/ These Shots.&qu
3 Days & 13 Tickets Remain for Indoor Las Vegas ReAwaken Tour | Full Schedule Released!!! + Parking? Food? Meet & Greet? Schedule Updates? Join General Flynn, Mike Lindell, Doctor Stella, Don Jr., & Team America!! Text 918-851-0102 for Tickets
Amanda Grace | Is American Becoming the New Weimar Republic? Are We Living Through the Fulfillment of the Book of Revelation? + What 6 Events Does the Bible Say That Are Going to Happen? + "Signs of De-Dollarization Emerging" - JP Morgan
ROSEANNE BARR | Interview with Roseanne About Satanic Hollywood & the Great Reset | "It's Better to Say Who Isn't In It (The Satan Club), Because They Are All In It (The Satan Club)." - Roseanne Joins ReAwaken Tour Las Vegas