New Moon 🌙 in Sagittarius 12/1/24 🃏🎴🀄️ Collective Reading | This Energy is Perfect for Expanding One’s Horizons and Making New Friends/Connections. Set New Intentions, Lean into Your Abilities, and Prepare for the New Freshness to Come!
How the Illuminati Distorted Language to Create Modern English in Order to Distort and Have Creation Itself NOT Understood—HIGHLY LIMITING YOUR ABILITY TO MANIFEST!
These 2 Iron Fist Wielding Entities Scared the Nerves Right OUT of Her – Although it Would Appear That Her Ability to Be a “Girlfriend” Can Potentially Win the Day with Other Females. Ruby Wax Meets Madonna and Donald Trump.. And a Bonus: Roseanne!
That Time Napoleon Bonaparte Learned He’s Got Plenty of Personal Time Before Reaching 5D | Why You Must Earn Level-Ups in Spiritual Abilities and Transcendence—Don’t Worry, You Have All the Time in the World!
M.L. Redneck Renegade and Kerry Cassidy with the Earth Shattering Inconvenient Truth (12/15/22). [WE in 5D Has —BEEN— Speaking This for Some Time Already]. 🐆 PROJECT CAMELOT