VIDEO140B update 6 vid 141exposin this thug HIGH QUAL EXPOSIN THIS DOOR HANDLE DEETS FROM VID 139 who is this troll? Hillel Fuld SELF PROCLAIMED proud zionist-STUPID PRAT NOW ON MI6 GLOBAL RADAR
Marshall U (West Virginia): Angry Catholic & Proud Atheist Helps Me Draw Crowd, I Warn The Students About Trump the Antichrist and Exalt Jesus And The True Gospel, Contending W/ The Wicked and Singing of The Blood!
University of Maryland: Started Out With Calm Conversations w/ Small Groups, Then I Rebuked A Proud Muslim for Muhammed's Pedophilia, Holy Spirit Tells Me To Throw My Koran On The Ground and Stomp On It, Draws Large Crowd, I Rebuke A Hypocrite