Digital God | Why Is Elon Musk Talking About Creating "Digital God?" "Memphis, Perhaps This Is Where Our New God Comes From?" + Why Is Yuval Noah Harari Saying, "We Are In the Process of Turning Ourselves Into Gods?"
Roseanne Barr | CERN's July 5th Big Bang + EXPOSING Yuval Noah Harari + Special Guests Karen Kingston, Dr. Rashid Buttar, Laura Bartlett, Epoch Times, Jackson Lahmeyer, etc
The Remnant Church | WATCH LIVE | 12.19.24 | Contending for the Faith With Aaron Antis + BREAKING NEWS!!! "The Technology We Are Developing Elevates Us to the Status of Gods." - Yuval Noah Harari (9/13/2018)
The Remnant Church | WATCH LIVE | 09.26.24 | "That Interface Will Be Entirely AGENT Driven...Solve the TOWER OF BABEL" - Bill Gates + "A.I. Is Not a Tool, It Is An AGENT." - Yuval Noah Harari + Rev 16:12-14, Gen 6 & Matt 24:37
Yuval Noah Harari | "Control of Data Might Enable Human Elites to Do Something More Radical Than Just Build Digital Dictatorships. Elites May Gain the Power to Reengineer the Future of Life." + "Digital God." - Elon Musk
A Gold-Backed Currency Reset? GOLD-BACKED CURRENCY RESET Around the Corner? "The Nature of Money Is Going to Change Quite Dramatically." - Yuval Noah Harari + What Is Basel III? Global Banking Regulations Changing?
Joseph Z | What Is Going On With America & The World As We Know It? Wars & Rumours of Wars, Pestilences, BRICS-Lead De-dollarization & Weather Weaponization? Yuval Noah Harari Changing the Times & the Laws?
Lara Logan | Lara Logan & General Flynn Discuss CBDCs, the 2023 World Economic Forum Meeting, the Surveillance Under the Skin Agenda of Yuval Noah Harari, The Great Reset + the 2007 Kim Clement Prophecies “Trump Will Become a Trumpet,” etc.
The Remnant Church | WATCH LIVE | 09.12.24 | Are Self-Assembling Nanobots in the COVID-19 Shots? "You Won't Be Able to Survive If You're Disconnected from the NET Because Your Own Immune System Depends" - Yuval Noah Harari
Yuval Noah Harari | "You Cannot Start With the Assumption That Humans Have Free Will." + "It Was Never True Humans Had Free Will." + "The Myth of Free Will. This Is a Myth That Served Us Well. But Now It's Becoming Dangerous.
General Flynn & Dr. Mikovits | W.H.O. Declares Global Emergency Over New Mpox Outbreak!!! Klaus Schwab, Yuval Noah Harari, Peter Thiel, King Charles, Putin, Tedros & Kamala Harris In Their Own Words + Dollar Collapse?
Dr. Stella Immanuel | "What Does It Mean That I Own a House? It Means A.I. Says I Own the House." - Yuval Noah Harari + What Is Inside the COVID Shots?
Dr. Stella Immanuel | Is YUVAL NOAH HARARI the False Prophet Prophesied In The Bible? Matthew Chapter 7, Matthew Chapter 24, Daniel 7, Revelation 16, Luke 21, Mark 13 & Revelation 13, 2nd Thessalonians 2 & Daniel 11
COVID Shots | What Can You Do If You've Already Taken the COVID Shots? Is That Calamari Or a COVID Shot Clot? What Is the Internet of Bodies? "Ideally COVID Makes Surveillance Go Under Your Skin." - Yuval Noah Harari + Homoborgenesis?
Dr. Stella Immanuel | "What Does It Mean That I Own a House? It Means A.I. Says I Own the House." - Yuval Noah Harari + What Is Inside the COVID Shots? Is Self-Assembling Nano-Technology In the COVID Shots?