George Mason Univ: Sodomite Attacks Elijah From Behind, Police Called, Crowd Grows, Muslims Come Out In Force, I Stomp On The Koran, Muslim Lunges Toward Me, Police Called Again, Muslim Arrested, Student Newspaper Interviews Us
University of Maryland: Started Out With Calm Conversations w/ Small Groups, Then I Rebuked A Proud Muslim for Muhammed's Pedophilia, Holy Spirit Tells Me To Throw My Koran On The Ground and Stomp On It, Draws Large Crowd, I Rebuke A Hypocrite
Univ of Maryland: Demon Possessed Woman Rants & Raves, Rebuking A Muslim, Rebuking A Professor, Rebuking A Hypocrite, Encouraged By A New Born Again Christian
UC Santa Barbara: Curious Jew Asks Questions, Agnostic Comes Under Conviction, New Christian Student Helps Me Minister, Muslim Speaks w/ Me At Length But When I Confront Him on Allah Lying, He Refuses To Answer, I Rebuke Him, Crowd Forms, Exalting Jesus!
Florida Atlantic University: Lots of Curious Students, Muslim Asks Me Why I Reject Islam, I Rebuke A Wicked Student Who Calls Apostle Paul Demonic, A Lively Day of Preaching Jesus!
University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana: Calm & Civil Crowd, Pastor Joshua Helps Me Minister, One Student Boldly Preaches the Gospel, A Sincere Muslim, Lots of Great Questions
UC Santa Barbara: Arrogant Muslim Returns w/ Muslim Backup, I Prove Allah Is A Liar, I Prove Islam Promotes Violence, Crowd of 20-25 Students Drawn, Female Student Spews Filthy Language As I Rebuke Her, Students Call Police To Report My Hate Speech
Cleveland State: Rebuking Jehovah's Witnesses For Their Hellish Religion, Contending w/ an Arrogant Muslim & His Girlfriend, I Sing Out Songs, Preach Jesus, Crowd Descends Into Blasphemy, "Christians" Love Their Sin, I Wipe The Dust Off