Never Hike Alone 2: A Friday The 13th Fan Film (2023) | Horror/Crime/Action | Summary: 20 years after the last sighting of Jason Voorhees, Crystal Lake resident Tommy Jarvis is haunted by the notion that Jason will return. | #HappyHalloween 🎃
SIGHTINGS: Idaho UFO Flap, The Haunted Knickerbocker, Ancient Chinese Superstition, Airliner Barely Avoids UFO, and More! (S3 E20) | [Vintage TV Before the CIA Had Full Grasp]
Elvira's Haunted Hills (2001 Full Movie) | Comedy-Horror/Satire | Cassandra Peterson, Richard O'Brien, Mary Scheer, Scott Atkinson, Mary Jo Smith, Heather Hopper. | #HappyHalloween 🎃