April 8th 2024 | What Does Eclipse Mean? Eclipse = Ek (Out or Away) + Leipein (Leave) Homeland Security On April 8th Preparations? 77 April 8th Facts: NASA Serpent Deity Mission, Red Heifers & CERN Restarting Hadron Colliders, Etc.
Normie-World and REAL-World Slowly Begin to Collide: Project Camelot’s Kerry Cassidy, and Redacted News’ Clayton Morris Interview Josh Reid This Past Week (6/8/23, 6/13/23) Clayton Goes OFF on Cognitively Dissonant 3D’ers Destined to Stay There!
Ep.290 Ceasefire? Ukraine Agrees To Cede Territory! HOUSE MAJORITY NARROWS AS DEMS CONTINUE STEAL! UFOs Seen in DC, Barron & Melania Debanked! Boris Johnson Admits Ukraine a Proxy War