Winston Marshall: In Debate With Nancy Pelosi, Grammy Winner (Mumford & Sons) Tells Congresswoman She's A Bigger Threat To Democracy Than "Populism" – Ask Dr. Drew
General Flynn | Why Is Madonna Pushing the Satanic Agenda with Sam Smith At the Grammys? | Why Is the Satanic Temple Opening Up Religious Abortion Centers? Why Are Chinese Spy Balloons Flying Over America?
Amanda Grace | CBDCs, the Satanic-Themed Grammys, Dagon and a Powerful Prophetic Word for America!!! Is the Way Being Paved for the Antichrist? Are BRICS Nations Preparing to Unleash a New Gold-Backed Reserve Currency?
Grammys | Why Are Madonna & Sam Smith Pushing the Satan Theme at Grammys Sponsored By Pfizer? Explaining the Entire CBDC, Neural Link, Quantum Dot, Quantum Computing, Quantum Stamp, CBDC Quant & 666 Great Reset Agenda
Grammys | Pastor Todd Coconato | Do Celebrities Sell Their Soul to Get to the Top of Hollywood? Why Is Madonna Pushing the QUANT CBDCs and the Internet of Bodies Satanic Agenda?