ALL MUST WATCH, CANADIAN GOVERNMENT COVER-UP COULD BE UNDERWAY. EX CANADIAN CSIS MEMBER INTERVIEW could be running deflection. . 3 Doctors Drop Dead, After 4th Dose, and the 4th Estate is Deaf and Dumb. .Tom Quiggan, joins V4F Ops Sgt-Maj, Jeff Evely, to
Jay Z Named ‘Prime Suspect’ In ‘Snuff Daddy’ Case As Trail of Dead Children Uncovered/Government Takes Money from Bank Account of Mayor Who Refused to Celebrate ‘Pride Month’/Is Le Pen about to blow up France?
Ethel Kennedy, widow of RFK, dead at 96 after suffering stroke/Alleged ISIS Terrorist Arrested by FBI for Election Day Plot WORKED FOR CIA!/West Virginia Lawmakers Propose Legislation to Prevent State from Recognizing Winner in US Election If GOP Candidat