#144 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: Our Elections Are Unconstitutional & Fraudulent - It's Time To BAN THE VOTING MACHINES NOW! JOIN US In AZ To Hold Our LegislaTURDS Accountable! AND Investigate Our Corruption + Nov 8th! | CHRISTINE REAGAN
VIDEO 166a (oh gaewd kier starmer updater 6 brown sawse 144326062024 (update 1093725062024) waaaaaah hehehehe low res VERY LITTLE TENDS TO BE AN ACCIDENT WHEN THE ROYAL ARE CONCERNED 46 minutes of paranoid data -data has brains who knew who kkkares;-) 182
Our Elections Are Unconstitutional & Fraudulent - It's Time To BAN THE VOTING MACHINES NOW! JOIN US In Arizona To Hold Our LegislaTURDS Accountable! AND Investigate The Corruption In Our Cesspool Of A State Presented At The 2/23 Joint Meeting
Our Elections Are Unconstitutional & Fraudulent - It's Time To BAN THE VOTING MACHINES NOW! JOIN US In Arizona To Hold Our LegislaTURDS Accountable! AND Investigate The Corruption & ELECTION FRAUD In Our Cesspool Of A State! NOVEMBER 8th