Grammys | Why Are Madonna & Sam Smith Pushing the Satan Theme at Grammys Sponsored By Pfizer? Explaining the Entire CBDC, Neural Link, Quantum Dot, Quantum Computing, Quantum Stamp, CBDC Quant & 666 Great Reset Agenda
CBDC | Is Pfizer a Chinese-German Owned Company? Why Did Yuval Noah Harari Say, "Things I Talk About And People In The West React W/ Apprehension & FEAR, In CHINA the Reaction Is EXCITEMENT! WOW We Can Do That!!!?"
CBDC | What Is the Connection Between CERN, CBDCs, Surveillance Under the Skin, Quantum Dots, QUANT CBDCs, the World Economic Forum and The Great Reset?
CBDCs | Steve Forbes + Mike Adams Explain CBDCs | CBDCs | Steve Forbes + Mike Adams Explain CBDCs | "The Federal Reserve Is Considering a (CBDC) Digital Dollar, the Implications for Privacy and Freedom Are FRIGHTENING." - Steve Forbes
Mark of the Beast | How the Beast System Works: The Quant-Based CBDC, 5G, COVID-19 Shot, Luciferase-Based Biosensor, Injectable mRNA Modifying Nano-Technology, CRISPR, Quantum Dot, Quantum Computer & CERN System Explained
CBDC | Neel Kashkari President of the Minneapolis Federal Reserve "I Can See Why China Was Doing It If They Wanted to Monitor Everyone of Your Transactions."
CBDCs | "At Some Point the World Is Going to Go Into a Financial Crisis. You'll Get the Announcement That We're Having the New Currency Which Will Be the CBDC." - Clive Thompson
BRICS | "The Central Bank of the United States (The Federal Reserve) Quietly Hit a New Record, More Than $1 Trillion In Losses." + What Are Bail-Ins? What Is the CBDC Project mBridge? Why Did Saudi Arabia Join mBridge?
The Great Reset | Why Is Elon Musk Offering Humanity Eternal Life? Why Is Ray Kurzweil Discussing Connecting Our Brains to A.I.? The Internet of Bodies, CBDC & Transhumanism Agenda Exposed + Human Cloning? with Dr. Stella Immanuel
Antony Blinken | Why Is the 71st United States Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken Playing Guitar In a Bar In Kyiv While Russian Troops Advance In Ukraine? + Mel K Exposes Agenda 2030, the CBDC Agenda & More!!!
Turkey | "Turkey, A Long-Standing U.S. Ally Has Officially Become the First NATO Country to Request BRICS Membership." + 81.5% of Earth's Countries Seeking to Join BRICs + 98% of Central Banks Preparing to Launch CBDC
ICE CUBE & JOE ROGAN REACT to Universal Basic Income & Central Bank Digital Currencies | "If You Do Take the UBI (Universal Basic Income) You Have to Take the CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currencies)." - Ed Dowd + Lost In Trans-Nation?
The Surveillance State Explained | The Surveillance State Explained Including- CBDCs, Street Lights That Kill & "They Are Listening In. If Your Device Has a Microphone They Are Listening. Your Cell Phone Is Listening