4 years ago💎 GemWorld Presents 👉 👉 7 Crystal to Ease Anxiety & Fear with Positive Affirmations NEW 2020GemWorld
1 year ago777 GALACTIC Gateway * BLUE RAY STARSEEDS Update! * 144000 KEY Codes * Soul Missions!AlohaPinkBella888
1 year agoThe EMERALD ORDER PT 2 ** Andromeda * Orion * Vega * Blue Rays * 144000 * AbundanceAlohaPinkBella888
1 year ago8/8 LION'S GATE! * GALACTIC New Year * 8 MATRIX Programs * STARSEEDS * 144000AlohaPinkBella888
1 year agoMessages from THE EMERALD ORDER ** STARSEEDS From * LYRA * PLEIADES * SIRIUS * ARCTURUSAlohaPinkBella888
1 year agoStarseeds Update! *ASCENSION SYMPTOMS * Hydration * Rashes * SOLSTICE Galactic Gateway!AlohaPinkBella888
1 year ago7/7/7 SIRIUS Stargate * MASTERY & Levelling Up! * Tools for * STARSEEDS * BLUE RAYS * LIGHTWORKERSAlohaPinkBella888
1 year agoStarseeds & Blue Rays! * 8/8 LIONS GATE * AUGUST Energy Update & Transmission!AlohaPinkBella888
1 year agoPost ECLIPSE Energy! * NEW EARTH Grids * SEALS & IMPLANTS * QUANTUM TimelinesAlohaPinkBella888
1 year agoStarseeds Update! * Chakras / Meridians & Cellular Upgrades! * PTSD & Anxiety HealingAlohaPinkBella888