Battlefront: Frontline - Uniparty Elititsts are Using School Choice to Infiltrate Private and Home Schools | Guests Shane Jenkins, Dr Mark Sherwood & Alex Newman
Uniparty Elititsts are Using School Choice to Infiltrate Private and Home Schools | Christian J6 Prisoners Were Denied Exemptions While Other Religions Were Allowed | The First Act of Robert Kennedy Jr Must Be Eliminating Big Pharma Ads | Shane Jenkins, D
Carrie Prejean Boller | Canceled Miss California turned Mama Bear Delivers Fiery Speech to School Board Exposing Gender Indoctrination | Still Standing | Ephesians 5:11 - “Expose Them”
The Battle for Freedom in Texas Turns to Government Funded School Choice | President Trump Hammers Down on America's Enemies | Local Republican Texas Sheriff Comes Under Constitutional Scrutiny | Josh Bernstein, Dewey Collier II
Mother Exposes How Daughter Indoctrinated into Transgenderism in Colorado Public School in THREE Hours | Erin Lee | Colorado Now Legally Forcing Teachers to Socially Transition Children and Hide From Parents | Movie- Art Club | Protect Kids Colorado
Jessica Tapia and Attorney Bethany Onishenko | Won $360k After Suing School District That Fired Her For Not Lying to Parents and Denying Her Religious Beliefs | Teachers Don’t Lie | “My Fear of God It Comes Above My Fear of My Boss”