1 year agoIf you have #narcissist tendencies, then you have #gangstalker tendencies. 01/31/2023TargetedCreole
1 year agoRealistically, I can't do most jobs, because of my hypersensitive ear condition, but I still try.TargetedCreole
1 year agoI finally got my laundry done! I may end up back on the streets this Friday. I hope not.TargetedCreole
1 year agoI think everyone should be able to be happy, working whatever job they want & living where they wantTargetedCreole
1 year ago03/24/2023 I had help with 1 more hotel night. Trying to get $375 for another week. 🙏🛐TargetedCreole
1 year agoSo many people being sexually exploited, gang stalked & trafficked! Why don't people care?04/23/2023TargetedCreole
2 years agoReasons for my online presence. #homeless #targetedindividual exposing #narcissistic #gangstalkingTargetedCreole
2 years agoLate Night Open Talk #targetedindividuals + #gangstalking #noisecampaign 10/07/2022TargetedCreole
1 year agoTargeted Individuals Karen Stewart, Todd Giffen, and Matthew Aaron at the White House ProtestTargeted Individual