General Flynn | Will the Epstein List Ever Get Exposed? As of Jan 1st 2024, BRICS Has Doubled In Size?! "The Nature of Money Is Going to Change Dramatically." - Yuval Noah Harari + What Is the Federal Reserve? How Did Epstein Compromise People?
Dollar | Tucker "Is That U.S. Dollar Going Away?" + Putin, "To Use the Dollar As a Tool of Foreign Policy Struggle Is One of the Biggest Strategic Mistakes Made By the U.S. Leadership. U.S. Won't Stop Printing (Money). Does Anyone In t
Dollar Collapse | "Deposits Are At Risk of a Bail-In Which Has Been Sanctioned By the Dodd-Frank Act of 2010." - Makori + "People Have the Assumption That When They Make a Deposit, That's Their Money. But It's Not." - Zang
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