Round Table: Jason Breshear of "Archaix", Jordan of "Waters Above", and Logan of "Decoding" Discuss The World Stage, History, The Esoteric, and Occult Subjects.
Exposing the Deep Underground American Military Base in Dulce, NM with Grey Alien Workers. — Phil Schneider’s Infamous Whistleblowing Event Seminar! | Circa 1995 #Vintage #Legendary #RealDealBeforeQtales
User's Guide to Reincarnation: Different Ways Souls Come in and Choose Their Earth Families! — Sometimes They're Familiar, Sometimes They're COMPLETE STRANGERS ("Gotta GO!"), But Everyone is Always Learning. | Regina Meredith
Sarah Elkhaldy Dislikes the Act of Calling Oneself "Chosen One"—BUT is Delighted and Willing to do This Fun Fantastic Interview with Peter Sapper of "The Chosen 144". It's The Alchemist Vs.(Not Really) The Chosen 144!
"Get Rid of the Ego"—BOLLIX! The Myth That Your 'Rough' & Unique Personality isn't Compatible with 5D, The Perversion of Unconditional Love in Spiritual Cults, The Future of Our Hologram, and Unseen Realms! | Darius J Wright