👁️ Kamala Harris Speaks to Her Supporters After Conceding The Election (How We Give Our Power Away—On The "Left" Or "Right". You Are The Creator of Your Reality.. Every Time, NO EXCEPTION!) | Infinite Waters (Diving Deep)
A.I. Mass Surveillance: The Next Chapter in Censorship! + Libs FULLY Aligned with The Illuminati as They Admit: "Deep State is Awesome!" | Former Trump State Dept. Official and Cyber Expert, Mike Benz on Don Jr.'s TRIGGERED.
RFK Jr. Confirms He Was Asked by the Trump Campaign if He Would Consider Being VP. So Now What? So Far Not a Lot. If RFK Jr. Would Consider it, Are They Waiting for Strategic Timing of Some Sort, or is He Doing His Own Thing Completely?
"Not Everyone Can go, Alex!" Roseanne on Alex Jones 3/4/23 (She Arrives at 1:25:00) | Historical “Team-Up”, LITERALLY with Ideas on How to Build New Earth — ROSEANNE IS ON FIRE!
From Venus He Came with a Divine Plan in Mind: Valiant Thor—“Stranger at the Pentagon” (The Story is Often Seen by Some as an Opportunity for 5D Quickening Not Quite Ready Yet to be Taken Advantage of).
What's The Point of it All (in This Simulation?): Jean Nolan’s Interpretation of The Earth Experience Vs. The Experience of 'Beyond'.. + The Backfill People/NPC's. | Jean Nolan, “Inspired”.
Bank Accounts Under Attack Worldwide — If it’s Not COLD HARD CASH it’s Still Digital | If You're Going to Do Anything Start Quietly While You Can [Bit by Bit] Not All at Once!
Metropolis — 1927 Groundbreaking Silent Film: A Sci-Fi Masterpiece by Fritz Lang Which Inspired and Influenced Visuals in Film From Then Forever on (Predictive, Filled w/ Esoteric Imagery) | Brigitte Helm, Gustav Fröhlich, Alfred Abel.
Happy Ishtar! 🐣🐇🌿 Ishtar (Easter)/Inanna/Nanna: Annunaki “Goddess” of [Sex 🐇], [Fertility 🐣], and [WAR/POWER 💪🏽]. — These are Not Figures to Hate NOR Worship. They’re JUST Archetypes. You May Even See Bits of Yourself in Them.
A Pleiadian Collective Called Aikon, Channeled by Louise Kay! (Includes Segment with Great Info on Relationships and What You're Usually Doing Wrong in Reference to Them) | Kevin Moore's "They Call Us Channelers" Docuseries