Steve Bannon | Steve Bannon Interviews General Flynn and Clay Clark About Steve Bannon | Steve Bannon Interviews General Flynn and Clay Clark About The Great ReAwakening Versus The Great Reset | It's Too Early to Tell, But It Appears As the Mainstrea
WOKE | Woke Pastors | How Woke Are America's Leading Pastors? Is Wide Gate Theology Leading the American Church? What Is Andy Stanley Saying During His Church Services? Why Is TD Jakes Promoting Anthony Fauci?
The Great Reset | Why Is Elon Musk Offering Humanity Eternal Life? Why Is Ray Kurzweil Discussing Connecting Our Brains to A.I.? The Internet of Bodies, CBDC & Transhumanism Agenda Exposed + Human Cloning? with Dr. Stella Immanuel
Dr. Judy Mikovits | Who Are the Nefarious Characters Behind the COVID-19 Deception And the Great Reset Agenda? (Who Is Ralph Baric, Deborah Birx, Bill Gates, and Peter Daszak) Who Are the Good Guys Leading The Great ReAwakening?
Grammys | Why Are Madonna & Sam Smith Pushing the Satan Theme at Grammys Sponsored By Pfizer? Explaining the Entire CBDC, Neural Link, Quantum Dot, Quantum Computing, Quantum Stamp, CBDC Quant & 666 Great Reset Agenda
Jim Breuer | Is It Too Early to Laugh? | Legendary Comedian Jim Breuer and Country Music Star John Rich Present Jim Breuer's Somebody Had to Say It COMEDY SPECIAL (Live from Nashville)
Dr. Stella Immanuel | Dr. Stella Immanuel, MD & Dr. Steven B. Katsis, MD | What Is the TRUE Agenda of The Great Reset? Are the Seals Written About In Revelation Being Opened NOW?! What the HELL Happened In 1971?
COVID Shots | 12-Year NFL Great and Packer Hall of Fame Member Ken Ruettgers | Why Are Healthy Athletes Collapsing After Taking the COVID-19 Shots? Why Has There Been a 10 Fold Increase of On-Field Deaths? + What It Was Like to Play with Brett Favre
Great Reset | Biden Admin Negotiates Deal to Give WHO Authority Over US Pandemic Policies | Who Is the WHO? | Who Is the REAL Bill Gates? | "COVID Makes Surveillance Go Under Your Skin." Yuval Noah Harari
Dr. Judy Mikovits and Devin Nunes | The Great Reset | What Rights Does A HOMOBORGENESIS HAVE? | What Is “The Internet of Bodies?” | “COVID Makes Surveillance Go Under Your Skin.” - Yuval Noah Harari
Dr. Stella Immanuel | CBDCs | Are the Revelation Chapter 6 Seals Being Opened? Why Do Google, CERN and the World Economic Forum Have a 666 Themed Logo? (See Documentation In Description)
Dr. Judy Mikovits | Breaking Down Highlights from the Nefarious World Economic Forum 2023 Annual Meeting | Banning Meat, CBDCs, Brain Transparency & More
Robin Bullock | Robin Bullock; How do they Destroy OUR Money? Is the Collapse of the Dollar Around the Corner? The Great Reset & the CBDC Digital Control Grid Agenda Explained
The ReAwaken America Tour & Clay Clark Presents Comedian Jim Breuer, Pastor Greg Locke, Dr. Stella Immanuel, Amanda Grace, Pastor Leon Benjamin, Andrew Sorchini & Doctor Mark Sherwood LIVE In Tulsa, Oklahoma (March 23rd 2023)
ReAwaken America Tour & Clay Clark Presents Comedian Jim Breuer, Pastor Greg Locke, Dr. Stella Immanuel, Amanda Grace, Pastor Leon Benjamin, Mel K, Dr. Simone Gold, Andrew Sorchini & Doctor Sherwood LIVE In Tulsa, OK (March 23rd 2023)
The Great Reset Versus The Great ReAwakening | Who Is the Real Enemy? Who Is the Real Bill Gates? Mikki Willis Describes the Divide and Conquer Strategy of Our Enemies