1. What is Apex 2.0?! - Apex Legends Update Impressions - Michel Postma Stream

    What is Apex 2.0?! - Apex Legends Update Impressions - Michel Postma Stream

  2. Apex Legends first time playing Revenant from the Ashes

    Apex Legends first time playing Revenant from the Ashes

  3. The New Apex Legend SLAPS Hard (...but pubs don't) - Michel Postma Stream

    The New Apex Legend SLAPS Hard (...but pubs don't) - Michel Postma Stream

  4. 🔴 LIVE - NEW YEAR EVE, pass the M&K. (Apex Ranked into PUBS)

    🔴 LIVE - NEW YEAR EVE, pass the M&K. (Apex Ranked into PUBS)
