4 years agoMONEO | FRIDAY GEMATRIA EFFECT NEWS NIGHT 10-09-2020 | ZACHARY K HUBBARDMissouri on Neodymium
2 years agoNever tell anyone anything? 🙈🙉🙊 #ShowMe 🐇 If you do, you start missing everybody! #ShofarMissouri on Neodymium
2 years agoMYocarditis: Inflammation of the heart muscle🐇 Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium +++ #90forlife ☥Missouri on Neodymium
2 years ago#DejaVu 1199 #desmos band, bond 2673 #katargeó render inoperative, abolish 45 #agkura an anchor🐇Missouri on Neodymium
2 years agoUT Contact ~ #EOT + #moon_mag ◄ 1207. bitstsah ► a swamp; bots 🐇 trojanMissouri on Neodymium
2 years agoWE HOLD THESE TRUTHS TO BE SELF-EVIDENT 🦆🔱🐇 #moon_mag 👉666. #apher: a covering, bandage #4thWatchMissouri on Neodymium