Doctor | What’s In the COVID-19 Shots? What to Do If You’ve Already Taken the COVID-19 Shots? How to Find a Doctor IN ALL 50 STATES That Will Not Push The Big Pharma Great Reset Agenda | Does the COVID-19 Shot Cause VAIDS?
Nesara 4 of 5. Debt Slavery by legal fiction into a Digital (Bitcoin, CBDC Gold backed or not) Matrix Tokenisation / Blockchain of all (nature, assets and you) America's 3 bankruptcies as USA inc.
Robin Bullock | Bullock Exposes Yuval Noah Harari | Why Did Yuval Say He Wants to “Create Inorganic Entities?” & “The Only Thing God Managed to Create Are Organic Beings?” What Is In the Shot Clots?
NESERA 5 of 5, The Strange Matrix of Technocracy 'Energy Currency' ? & the Crypto Tokenisation (Securitization) of Nature, Assets and Human Labour (Slavery) & the World