Reality Transurfing: Everyone Gets What They Are, Thus Everyone Gets What They Choose! (An EXPANDED View of Law of Attraction) — Audiobook by Vadim Zeland | WE in 5D: LITERALLY What I’d Fall Asleep to for OVER A YEAR to Manifest My Florida Home!
♐️ SAGITTARIUS ~ April 2024 🃏🎴🀄️ SPRING READING | April 2024 Readings are the Final Ones to Be Distributed So Widely Anymore Via Rumble. ALL Readings Will Now ONLY Appear on Locals. | #EndDays #DontWantYourSocialDisease
DEFINED: An Individual (Who Barely Believes in Individuality, But That's Another Topic) WITHOUT Purpose. And if Everything is Reflection (it is) Where Can it Be Seen at the Other End of the Pole?: Cults Like Qanon. | #PurposeThatLacksKnowingThyself
♎️ LIBRA ~ April 2024 🃏🎴🀄️ SPRING READING | April 2024 Readings are the Final Ones to Be Distributed So Widely Anymore Via Rumble. ALL Readings Will Now ONLY Appear on Locals. | #EndDays #DontWantYourSocialDisease
Superman (1948 Full Theatre & TV Serial) | The Superman (Kirk Alyn) BEFORE George Reeves Who You THOUGHT Was the First. "Superman" is notable as the first live-action appearance of Superman on film. It was originally screened at matinées.
Gaslight (1944 Full Movie) — Literally the Origin of the Super-Used Term "Gaslighting"! | The 1944 American version has more back-story and padding while the 1940 British version sticks closely to Patrick Hamilton's more suspenseful play.
Gaslight (1940 Full Movie) — Literally the Origin of the Super-Used Term "Gaslighting"! | The 1940 British version is more streamlined and suspenseful than the American MGM version of 1944, as it sticks closely to Patrick Hamilton's play.
Internes Can't Take Money (1937 Full Movie) | Drama/Romance/Mystery | Summary: Dr. Kildare (Joel McCrea) saves a gangster's life (Lloyd Nolan) and helps an ex-convict (Barbara Stanwyck) find her child. | Barbara Stanwyck Homage
How the Illuminati Distorted Language to Create Modern English in Order to Distort and Have Creation Itself NOT Understood—HIGHLY LIMITING YOUR ABILITY TO MANIFEST!
Fahrenheit 9/11 (2004 Full Documentary) | Michael Moore's Documentary on the Bush Administration and Their Infamous Inside Job 🛩💥🏢🏢🔥 #TruthIsNotLeftOrRight
SPIN (Documentary)| Spotlighting Illuminati-Control Over Republican/Democrat Parties Alike, AND RELIGION. An Era Where They Primarily (Not Exclusively) Functioned Through the Republican Party! + “Fake White House’s" for TV are NOT New, [Q-Tards!]