#90 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: Jim Caviezel, Tim Ballard, Eduardo Verastegui - The Sound Of Freedom Movie - EXPOSING Child Sex Slave Trafficking - On FLASHPOINT
The Great Reset | "It's Important to Distinguish Between the Vaccinated and the Unvaccinated, Giving the Vaccinated the Most Amount of Freedoms." - Tony Blair (The Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom)
#112 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: Sound Of Freedom - What Have You Done Since You've Seen The Movie To Stop The Child Sex Slave Trafficking? It's Time To Ban The Voting Machines & SAVE GOD'S CHILDREN!
#299 FEAR ONLY GOD - Politicians Are Liars, Government Is Tyrannical & They Work For US! It's Time To Take Back America & OUR Freedoms + STOP GIVING ALL CANDIDATES YOUR MONEY! | JESUS ROCKS - LUCY DIGRAZIA
#58 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: ANN VANDERSTEEL - Your REAL America = Corruption, Fraud, Money Laundering, Child Sex Slave Trafficking & Sacrifice. What Are You Doing About It? Time To Stand In The Gap & PROTECT THE CHILDREN!