1. Using Strange Facts to Write Even Stranger Fiction with Tim Powers (Episode 126)

    Using Strange Facts to Write Even Stranger Fiction with Tim Powers (Episode 126)

  2. Conducting Private Investigations on Paranormal Incidents with Ryan Stacey (Episode 130)

    Conducting Private Investigations on Paranormal Incidents with Ryan Stacey (Episode 130)

  3. Dorito-Eating Raccoons and the Russia-Ukraine War with Ryan McBeth (Episode 133)

    Dorito-Eating Raccoons and the Russia-Ukraine War with Ryan McBeth (Episode 133)

  4. A New Human Species and Other Visions of 2050 with Stephan Schwartz (Episode 138)

    A New Human Species and Other Visions of 2050 with Stephan Schwartz (Episode 138)

  5. Remote Viewing More ET Influences on Incan Civilization with Dr. David Morehouse (Episode 157)

    Remote Viewing More ET Influences on Incan Civilization with Dr. David Morehouse (Episode 157)

  6. The Timeline and Implications of a World with Open ET Content with Steve Bassett (Episode 164)

    The Timeline and Implications of a World with Open ET Content with Steve Bassett (Episode 164)

  7. Exploring Owls: UFO Harbingers and Night Hunters with Mike Clelland (Episode 160)

    Exploring Owls: UFO Harbingers and Night Hunters with Mike Clelland (Episode 160)

  8. Mythmakers on the Threshold of Reality's Door with Mike Clelland (Episode 161)

    Mythmakers on the Threshold of Reality's Door with Mike Clelland (Episode 161)

  9. Potemkin Had Villages, Kirkpatrick Has AARO with Robert Salas (Episode 170)

    Potemkin Had Villages, Kirkpatrick Has AARO with Robert Salas (Episode 170)
