D🌞N'T WA✝️CH B✡️FORE ☪️HURCH | Definitively Exiting The Simulation: #TheBackfillPeople, NDE's & The After-Life, and Surviving The Split 🔙 🌎 🔜 Feat. Dolores Cannon, GoldSoul111, Jean Nolan, Guy Needler, WE in 5D.
TIME IS UP in This Illusory Linear Game. You CAN'T Save the World Any Further (Just Try!) Next?: Building a New World Within and Amongst Your Own Created Healthy Communities. | "You Will Stay with What You Have Created" —Dolores Cannon
What Are These Different Variations Of Vibrations –Or in Laymen's Terms– WHO Are These Different Types Of People? | Shared Perspectives of Jean Nolan (Inspired), Dolores Cannon, GoldSoul111, Guy Needler, and WE in 5D.
Gregg Braden Revisits a Rare Dolores Cannon Interview on His Own YouTube Channel—Regina Meredith Interviews Dolores (Circa 2007), and Then a Brief Current-Day Chat with her Daughter, Julia Cannon!
Truthstream Media - This Is Not Just About the Border... Is the new wall going to be for keeping people out or keeping people in? AI, color codes, and credit scores