Off-Grid & Armed: Why This Homesteading Mama No Longer Trusts Big Pharma! - Brandy Lemire; 3+ [ N A T U R A L ] Tips to Stay Healthy - Dr. Troy Spurrill | FOC Show
Todd Callender: Insurance Actuarial Data Lays Out The VACCINE Case; Infectious illegal Immigrants; Kamala’s Red Flag Laws; P. Diddy - Breanna Morello; The Impending Retirement Crisis - Dr. Kirk Elliott | FOC Show
STEVE BAKER: What REALLY Happened? What's Next for the Blaze J6 Journalist Arrested? - Breanna Morello; How the Carnivore Diet Transformed My Life - Jeremiah and Amy Harris | FOC Show
Here are 3+ [ N A T U R A L ] Tips to Stay Healthy - Carpal Tunnel. Circulation. Iodine Deficiency. Apple Cider Vinegar in Your Nose. - Dr. Troy Spurrill