WHY IN THE WORLD ARE THEY SPRAYING? (2012) An investigation into one of the many agendas associated with chemtrail/geoengineering programs (weather control)
TIMELINE VICTORY (in Theory): We Find Ourselves on One Which Trump IS on the Ballot. Great Small-Battle-Win [in a LARGE War]! Next? Their Desperate Worst is No Joke. If Your Integrity to FULLY Reject Them is Lost, Your Timeline May Be as Well!
🔥🔥COVID Democide Rages On Amidst The Political Circus! Sudden Kidney Failures Are Spiking As The Latest Hospital Horror. Live Exclusive With Researcher John Beaudoin🔥🔥
Shadow-Work: One of the Most Important Karmic Exercises That Must Be Exercised Properly. | Sarah Elkhaldy (The Alchemist) | #ShadowWorkForANewYear #HappyNewYear 🎆