CBDCs | Elon Musk 101, FTX, FX Swap Debt a $80 Trillion 'Blind Spot' Global Regulators Say,"FTX Was an OP That Got Brought Down In an OP...Vaccine Passports Are the End of Freedom In the West." - Catherine Austin Fitts
General Flynn | URGENT UPDATES Including: How Trump Saved the Republic, FTX, Klaus Schwab, G20, CBDCs, the History of the WEF, Surveillance Go Under Your Skin and China Is Locking Down Again!!!
Central Bank Digital Currencies | DEEP DIVE INTO CBDCs Including: How They Work, How They’ll Be Introduced, Cashless Society, Social Credit Scores, Carbon Footprint Trackers, FedNow, Digital Dollars, Vaccine Passports, Surveillance Under the Skin &
Dr. Eric Nepute | The Great Reset, Vaccine Passports & CBDCs | What Is the Ultimate Agenda of The Great Reset? Are We Headed Towards Turn-Key Totalitarianism?