1. ActInf GuestStream 050.1 ~ Valeria Becattini & Anna Ciaunica, "Selfless Minds, Unlimited Bodies?"

    ActInf GuestStream 050.1 ~ Valeria Becattini & Anna Ciaunica, "Selfless Minds, Unlimited Bodies?"

  2. ActInf GuestStream 055.1~ James Pang & Alex Fornito "Geometric constraints on human brain function"

    ActInf GuestStream 055.1~ James Pang & Alex Fornito "Geometric constraints on human brain function"

  3. ActInf Textbook Group ~ Cohort 2 ~ Meeting 1 (Welcome back, Coda & Learning Practices overview)

    ActInf Textbook Group ~ Cohort 2 ~ Meeting 1 (Welcome back, Coda & Learning Practices overview)

  4. ActInf GuestStream #039.1 ~ Sources of Richness and Ineffability for Phenomenally Conscious States

    ActInf GuestStream #039.1 ~ Sources of Richness and Ineffability for Phenomenally Conscious States
