1 year agoRDO - Happy Holidays Month, Week 5: Happy New Year w/ McLovin and Era plus Highlights from the party at Jason Aldean's Rooftop...Yefune Kenizi's [PC] Gaming
10 months agoRDO - Free Roam Missions & Events Month, Week 1: Saturday w/ RoiRattYefune Kenizi's [PC] Gaming
3 months agoRockstar GTAO Newswire, then GTAO - The Doomsday Heist Week: Thursday w/ GamingChadYefune Kenizi's [PC] Gaming
2 months agoRockstar GTAO Newswire, then some GTAO - Bounty Bonuses Week: Thursday w/ GamingChad and TakumiYefune Kenizi's [PC] Gaming
3 months agoGTAO - The Heist Challenge Week: Monday (Testing Rumble's Ultra-Low Latency)Yefune Kenizi's [PC] Gaming
9 months agoRDO - Role Bonuses Month, Week 4: Monday/Tuesday pt 2 w/ GamingChadYefune Kenizi's [PC] Gaming
1 year agoRDO - Bounty Hunter Bonuses Month, Week 1: Friday w/ Misfit and Calamity LynnYefune Kenizi's [PC] Gaming
1 year agoRDO w/ Eik, RoiRatt, WeAreTheShow and Camcam plus GTA VI trailerYefune Kenizi's [PC] Gaming
10 months agoRDO - Free Roam Missions & Events Month, Week 3: Saturday w/ RoiRattYefune Kenizi's [PC] Gaming
4 months agoRockstar GTAO Newswire, then some Golf with your Friends w/ Nubes, Vallant, blueznut, EP, Misfit, AEis, Purdy, Goffo, KeyLime, ElTico, Calamity, RoiRattYefune Kenizi's [PC] Gaming
3 months agoRockstar GTAO Newswire, then some GTAO - The Diamond Casino Heist: Friday w/ GamingChad and TakumiYefune Kenizi's [PC] Gaming