ON DEMAND! Nov.12,'24: Democrat's Education Disaster PART 1: Had Kamala won, we'd have increasing abuses of our children, exclusion of parents from their kids lives and rampant socialism and drag queen child molestation - sexualization!
ON DEMAND! Nov.14,'24: Democrat's Education Disaster Part 2: Had Kamala won, we'd have increasing abuses of our children, exclusion of parents from their kids lives and rampant socialism /w drag queen child molestation - sexualization.
Culture War | SHOCKING Revelations From nearly TWO HUNDRED YEARS AGO of What Led to the Government Hijacking of Our Children’s Education | Alex Newman | The Ultimate Sickening Goal | Indoctrinating Our Children to Death
Ursula von der Leyen Stop Economic and Population growth " Limits to Growth": "Indeed, if we look back, a little over 50 years ago, the Club of Rome and a group of MIT researchers published the Limits of Growth Report.