1. Shabbat Fellowship with Christopher Enoch (Sabbath May 7, 2022)

    Shabbat Fellowship with Christopher Enoch (Sabbath May 7, 2022)

  2. My Thoughts After the FTC vs Microsoft Hearing

    My Thoughts After the FTC vs Microsoft Hearing

  3. BMP Segments: Exploring the Religious Influences on Traditional Gender Roles in the West

    BMP Segments: Exploring the Religious Influences on Traditional Gender Roles in the West

  4. I literally spent 30 minutes reading a scientific paper about cranberries

    I literally spent 30 minutes reading a scientific paper about cranberries

  5. Simple (long winded) ministry on prayer and affirming your faith by calling

    Simple (long winded) ministry on prayer and affirming your faith by calling

  6. Keeping faith simple through prayer and belief in mercy (long winded tho)

    Keeping faith simple through prayer and belief in mercy (long winded tho)

  7. The Average AF journey and our WOW factor back story

    The Average AF journey and our WOW factor back story

  8. 41. Keto Brief

    41. Keto Brief

  9. Gregory Lessing Garrett | Luciferian Control, Babylon, Language Manipulation

    Gregory Lessing Garrett | Luciferian Control, Babylon, Language Manipulation

  10. This Storm Keeps Getting Stronger, Long Track Tornadoes, Extreme Fire Risk, Hurricane Winds and more

    This Storm Keeps Getting Stronger, Long Track Tornadoes, Extreme Fire Risk, Hurricane Winds and more

  11. Brave TV - July 31, 2023 - Economy to Hell - The Market Crash - Trump to Be Arrested…Head Wound?

    Brave TV - July 31, 2023 - Economy to Hell - The Market Crash - Trump to Be Arrested…Head Wound?
