ON DEMAND! From- Oct.10,'24: Covid Vaccine Fraud Injury and Death PART ONE. CDC reports over 3 Million Dead and Injured by Covid-19 Vaccines.. Only PFIZER and MODERNA disagree. Johnson and Johnson pulls the plug on its vax.
OUTAGE! WATCH The Full-Length REMASTERED SHOW, Oct.29,'24: Kamala Marx, her Spies, Lies and Spying. Kamala is George Soros's direct employee "for life", which gets her Kickbacks!
ON DEMAND! From- Oct.3,'24: LBJ- His Crimes- Killing JFK- RFK- Vietnam. Killing 65,000 Americans and 1.5 million Vietnamese with untold seriously injured in Vietnam.
ON DEMAND! Jul.11,'24: WW2 Nazis Invented Islamic Terrorism and invented FAKE Palestinians to Genocide all the Jews! If they succeed, Christianity is NEXT!
ON DEMAND! From- Sep.24,'24: AI Hype or Real? AI Boom or Bust? Who will win? Will AI take over the world and rule humanity, or will humanity take over the AIs?
ON DEMAND! Aired- Aug.8,'24: Russia-Ukraine War is about Biden's & Soros's War Profits. We expose how weapons, fuel, and military resources become wartime profits, at the expense of the US Taxpayer!
UPDATED BREAKING NEWS: Trump Assassination - Hidden Facts that the FBI, USSS and DHS know about Biden/Soros involvement, they won't tell you! We break it all open!
ON DEMAND! Sep.15,'24: Addictions & Toxins are killing us all and reducing quality and longevity of life. We've been Betrayed by the Establishment Elites and Corp. predators!