1. Righteousness 19 - Misunderstanding the Lord's Supper Condemns You - Understanding It Heals You - 1

    Righteousness 19 - Misunderstanding the Lord's Supper Condemns You - Understanding It Heals You - 1

  2. Demonic Strategy is to Blind You from Seeing the Goodness of God - Part 2 - Righteousness 22

    Demonic Strategy is to Blind You from Seeing the Goodness of God - Part 2 - Righteousness 22

  3. Being in Christ, Walking in Christ Part 3 - Righteousness 27

    Being in Christ, Walking in Christ Part 3 - Righteousness 27

  4. Being in Christ, Walking in Christ - Part 1 - Righteousness 25

    Being in Christ, Walking in Christ - Part 1 - Righteousness 25

  5. Being in Christ, Walking in Christ - Part 2 - Righteousness 26

    Being in Christ, Walking in Christ - Part 2 - Righteousness 26

  6. Righteousness 14 - What They Failed to Access Under the Law

    Righteousness 14 - What They Failed to Access Under the Law

  7. Love God - Love People - and Don't Mess That Up -- Bill Yount

    Love God - Love People - and Don't Mess That Up -- Bill Yount

  8. Galatians 5 - Free To Walk In The Spirit - Part 1

    Galatians 5 - Free To Walk In The Spirit - Part 1

  9. Liberty or Bondage - The Hybrid Church - Part 2

    Liberty or Bondage - The Hybrid Church - Part 2

  10. How Righteousness Protects You Like Armor Righteousness 32

    How Righteousness Protects You Like Armor Righteousness 32

  11. I Dreamed of Galatians Chapter 3 - The Hybrid or Modern Church

    I Dreamed of Galatians Chapter 3 - The Hybrid or Modern Church

  12. Ephesians - The Blessing of the New Testament is Sonship

    Ephesians - The Blessing of the New Testament is Sonship

  13. The Promises of God are the Word of God EDITED 8-25-21

    The Promises of God are the Word of God EDITED 8-25-21

  14. Galatians Paul's Fight Against The Hybrid Gospel - Righteousness 35

    Galatians Paul's Fight Against The Hybrid Gospel - Righteousness 35
