Muslim 'Grooming Gangs' are Raping Children in the U.K. - Tommy Robinson; China Allegedly Creates 100% Lethal COVID Strain - Naomi Wolf | The Breanna Morello Show
University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana: Calm & Civil Crowd, Pastor Joshua Helps Me Minister, One Student Boldly Preaches the Gospel, A Sincere Muslim, Lots of Great Questions
Florida Atlantic University: Lots of Curious Students, Muslim Asks Me Why I Reject Islam, I Rebuke A Wicked Student Who Calls Apostle Paul Demonic, A Lively Day of Preaching Jesus!
George Mason Univ: Sodomite Attacks Elijah From Behind, Police Called, Crowd Grows, Muslims Come Out In Force, I Stomp On The Koran, Muslim Lunges Toward Me, Police Called Again, Muslim Arrested, Student Newspaper Interviews Us