2 months agoDerek Johnson & Michael Jaco - Huge Intel on GITMO’s Tribunals, Trump Comms & US Military Ops!Benjamin Fulford. SG Anon. Juan O Savin ✔️
1 month agoMichael Jaco HUGE Intel 01.13.25 - Breaking News By Michael Jaco & Kevin HoytDavid Nino Rodriguez. Juan O Savin ✔️
1 month agoMichael Jaco HUGE Intel 01.31.25: "Important Update By Michael Jaco"David Nino Rodriguez. Benjamin Fulford✔️
6 days agoMichael Jaco HUGE 2.24.25 - Explosive Trump- JFK Intel No One ExpectedDavid Nino Rodriguez. Juan O Savin ✔️
11 days agoDerek Johnson HUGE Intel 2/17/25: Military Tribunals at GITMO Has Begun!Michael Jaco | Scott McKay | David Rodriguez
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1 month agoMichael Jaco HUGE Intel 01.27.25 - Draws Down On The Deep State! Important UpdateDavid Nino Rodriguez. Juan O Savin ✔️
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1 month agoNew Michael Jaco HUGE Intel 01.20.25 - Critical Situation Update By Michael JacoDavid Nino Rodriguez ✔️
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1 month agoMichael Jaco HUGE Intel 01.11.25- 'Breaking News By Michael Jaco & Dr. Kirk Elliott'David Nino Rodriguez. Benjamin Fulford✔️
3 months agoMichael Jaco HUGE Intel 11.19.24- 'Important Update By Michael Jaco'Clif High. Juan O Savin ✔️
2 months agoMichael Jaco HUGE Intel 12.27.24- 'Russia Warns On Bioweapon Labs In Africa'David Nino Rodriguez
16 days agoMichael Jaco HUGE Intel 02.15.25- 'Important Update By Michael Jaco, Scott McKay & David Rodriguez'David Nino Rodriguez. Clif High. Juan O Savin