#328 Maricopa County Is MISSING 130,000 Ballots, ERASED Results & ILLEGALLY Recounted 20% Of Vote Centers + Kari Lake WON Arizona! Senate Can CALL Hearing To INVESTIGATE Massive Election Maladministration! ONLY Need 1 US SENATOR…DEMAND IT! | SG ANON
Maricopa County KICKS OUT Patriots For STANDING UP & Holding The Tyrannical Board Of Supervisors Accountable. We Need MORE Of You On The Battlefield - DO NOT BE AFRAID. It's TIME To Take America & Our Unconstitutional Elections Back! JOIN US!
The Arizona Grassroots & REAL LD3 Win In Court But The AZGOP & Fake America 1st Demons Spread Their Ministry Of Truth - If This Hasn't Happened In Your County Yet, Oh, It's Coming...It's The RNC Playbook! | BOB GOMEZ, KJ KUCHTA, RAY