Dr. Rashid Buttar | Yuval Noah Harari | The Connection Between Climate Change & One World Religion | Returning to Mt. Sinai to Introduce Ten Universal Commandments | "A World with Completely Different Laws," & "Rebuild the Temple.&a
MEDICAL TYRANNY! Senate Investigation Confirms COVID-19 Was A Lab-Made Bioweapon! Plus, Bill Gates Confesses To Conducting Illegal Human Medical Experiments In India! — FULL SHOW (12/3/24)
POWERFUL FRIDAY BROADCAST: Canada Launches Nationwide Gun Confiscation and Pledges Citizens' Firearms To Ukraine, + Putin Issues Desperate Final Warning: “Nuclear War May Come!” — FULL SHOW (12/6/24)
JACK FR❄️ST [Becomes Human] (1979 Full Winter TV Special) | Drama/Musical/Animation | Summary: Higher Dimensional Being Descends/Gets Stuck as Human After Being Romanced by Low-Resolution (One Can Even Say FALSE) "Romantic" Love.
JACK FR❄️ST (1979 Full Winter TV Special) | Drama/Musical/Stop Motion Animation | Summary: Higher Dimensional Being Descends/Gets Stuck as Human After Being Romanced by Low-Resolution (One Can Even Say FALSE) "Romantic" Love.
A Song is Born –AKA– That's Life (1948 Full Movie) [A Musical Remake of the 1941's "Ball of Fire"] | Musical/Comedy | Danny Kaye, Virginia Mayo, Benny Goodman, Tommy Dorsey, Louis Armstrong, Lionel Hampton, Charlie Barnet.